If your enterprise has a web-site that is constantly growing and attracting new customers, shared hosting may be not enough. In this case, you need a solution that will meet and exceed your demands, and that’s what dedicated hosting server is.
Dedicated server rent makes sense when you need to deal with huge traffic spikes, store gigabytes of files somewhere and constantly develop online project. Let’s find out what a dedicated server is, and why this is a reasonable solution for all who want to expand online presence.
1. Improved Performance
The most evident benefit is that system administrators may customize services according to the underlying hardware. This is what owners of virtual private servers cannot afford. Many site developers want to make sure that the onboard system resources will be available all the time.
2. Fast Deployment
If you purchase a new server, the trader has to configure the hardware to customize it for your specifications. After that, you wait till the server is delivered, and install it. As for dedicated servers from Luxembourg, Dallas, or other cities, it is ready and waiting to be used by you. In most cases, configuration takes a few hours to be completed by administrators.
Best providers make personal offers and help to figure out an efficient personal solution. One of such companies is INXYHOST. It has dedicated servers in Netherlands, the USA, Luxembourg, and other countries. Together with top-notch servers, excellent 24/7 customer support and reasonable prices are rendered. You are free to choose a convenient payment type, and there is no need to conclude any contracts.
3. Ideal Solution for Developing Projects
Those who use shared web hosting know that website’s performance can be seriously affected by users from other sites. If too many people log and utilize services, risk of a bottleneck appears. Dedicated server web hosting means that all resources belong to one user, and site performance is simply not affected by other sites and users. 100% of hardware is utilized to provide your project with required uptime and memory.
4. Absolutely Customizable Infrastructure
Sometimes, to make an application run correctly, you have to make changes in the underlying system. When using a VPS or shared hosting, the number of alterations and their character is limited, while a fully managed dedicated server allows configuring system as you wish. So this is a logical step to improve online presence.
5. Deploy Dedicated Servers With Different Operating Systems
Together with being fully customizable, dedicated web hosting gives an opportunity to pre-install various operating systems (for instance, CentOS and FreeBSD) and integrate popular applications. As far as a dedicated server is configured quickly, migration of applications and websites can be made immediately after server configuration.
6. DDoS Protection and Uptime Control
If you own a mission-critical project, dedicated server administrators can provide protection from common threat for free. It includes monitoring of uptime on a server and alerts when some services are unreachable.
Besides, DDoS protection is provided as a default function. Sometimes it costs $250-1,000 a month. This option is essential, if your website is often targeted by hackers and web criminals.
7. Save Money and Time
When organization infrastructure is managed with the help of dedicated server hosting, you can be sure that its underlying architecture will always be protected by experienced technicians of the data center where server is hosted.
Instead of buying a new server once in 5 years, you can save large amount of time and money when leasing it. Companies tend to outgrow current requirements, and providers can help to perform a free migration to another, more powerful server or free. That allows minimizing downtime and making site more efficient.
Dedicated hosting is the most advanced and reliable solution for all middle- and high-scale projects. This is a guarantee that your site will always be easily accessible, and have enough resources to deal with traffic spikes.