Despite the big availability of CDN providers on the market you have to know how to make your choice and what questions to ask yourselves to choose CDN for your needs.
It may seem that it is not too hard to choose CDN for your needs – the service exists long enough – for at least 10 years. Nevertheless for the end users the choice may not be so evident. The CDN market is constantly changing and developing, as well as the protocols of data distribution, video formats and platforms that develop and make the task of data transmission more and more complex.
But despite of confusion on the market by just knowing what questions to ask yourself and understanding what you need, you may make the task easier to yourself. You have to just understand that you cannot address the CDN provider with the following: “How much does your hosting cost?” You will never get the information you need.
Before you speak to any CDN provider you have to understand what type of service you need – streaming, downloading of static content or both. Do you need Flash or Windows Media support? What amount of content do you plan to add in one month? Where is the major base of your users? How much content do you deliver now and how quickly will it grow?
By answering those simple questions you will be able to make your choice more easily.