SSL certificates ensure integrity and confidentiality of data between applications communicating via TCP/IP protocol. The information between the server and client is encoded by using special algorythm.
SSL protocol uses certificates for control. Such SSL-certificates are located on a reliable server and are used to encode data. SSL-certificate helps to make sure that the website really belongs to someone. It includes data about the owner of certificate as well as relevant domain data. Also it contains the names of sources that issued the certificate.
There are several ways to get SSL-certificate:
1. The use of certificate from the sources of certificates
2. The use of self-signed certificates
3. The use of “empty” certificates
SSL uses two types of authentification:
1. from the user side
2. from the server side
The advantages of SSL use are many. First of all your clients will be more confident if their information is protected with the SSL-certificates. They are sure that the data is secure and will not be available for third parties.
The certificates protect from the theft of sensitive information and from most of fishing technologies.