There are many reasons why you may choose dedicated server, but the main reason is control. Differently from shared hosting, you may configure your dedicated server the way you like. However, despite the fact that the dedicated server is controlled with the help of convenient interface or console, the maintaining control will be not so easy.
So what are the real threats to your dedicated server?
- DoS-attacks
Some attacks to your dedicated server will be performed to steal data or to make frauds. However there are things that will harm business more. If you need dedicated server it is natural that your business grows as well as its online reputation. However, the growing reputation makes you a good aim for DoS-attacks. Such attack may destroy the server giving it a lot of traffic. One of DOS-attack types is DDoS-attack. Several computers are used to flood your server with traffic and it wastes precious resources and the clients are harmed. Make sure that your hosting provider has good firewall and monitor the suspicious traffic on your server.
- Malicious software on your server
The dedicated server allows to install software easily and this makes the risk of installing malware great. Malware means the software that was especially designed to steal data from your server - it may be worms, viruses, trojans and many more. Sometimes such software can be masked under legal applications. To avoid problems you have to:
- make sure that your provider checks your server regularly for different types of vulnerabilities.
- often check your website for suspicious behavior
- test applications locally before uploading them to the websitd
- The risk of hacking the password
Hackers become more and more clever and use more advanced means to steal your data. However, they may use the simplest way - using your password. Unfortunately, many dedicated server users don't keep their passwords secure.
You may do the following about it:
- Set different passwords to each and every element of dedicated server - separate for email, control panel, FTP and other elements
- Where possible, use secured SSL-connection
-Check the websites where you put in your passwords for phishing
- Don't put your password after following the link in email. Always put the website name by hand.