To outperform rivals, you need to have a strong IT department or use highly reliable and efficient web hosting service. Some companies spend too much time and money on services they don’t really need. Don’t repeat their mistake: select a managed web hosting server.
Why this is a beneficial solution? Managed dedicated server or any other managed hosting solution saves your time greatly and allows focusing on what really matters. If you leverage such technology in your work, you will surely get a competitive advantage, because web hosting provider will be responsible for all details of hosting. Note that managed web hosting is present on different types of servers including VPS, dedicated servers, etc.
Why managed web hosting is so popular?
More and more companies start realizing the importance of managed web hosting and freedom it renders. The market of managed web services is growing on a daily basis. It’s predicted to reach $193 bln by 2019, and it’s no surprise. Want to jump on the bandwagon, but not sure whether it’s time to order managed web hosting? You will certainly benefit from managed web hosting server in the following cases:
1. When your company needs top-notch reliability of hosting and IT operations. No matter what your company focuses on, every business should have an IT team of technical experts and administrators. However, if they are too busy troubleshooting and fixing different issues, you are in dire need of managed services. This solution will help your IT department to monitor and manage issues, boost security, perform backups and disaster recovery.
That will make your IT infrastructure more reliable and exclude the need or performing daily repeated tasks. Besides, with managed server hosting you can use advanced technologies and business solutions for maintaining perfect server uptime.
2. When online infrastructure requires complex approach to maintenance. Being proactive in web server maintenance means detecting vulnerabilities and possible issues that can wreak havoc down the road and affect business productivity. With a managed dedicated server you don’t have to worry about daily tasks and IT operations.
Remote monitoring is usually combined with proactive disaster recovery options, security features, encryption and automatic backups, and help in defining potential vulnerabilities. Therefore, you can fix issues before they turn into more dangerous threats.
3. When you opt for ROI/cost savings.
Penny saved is penny earned, so cost reduction is also a profitable strategy for every business. Fully managed web hosting server makes up for greater cost savings than unmanaged and self-managed solutions. IT budget consists of many aspects including maintenance costs, software, network expenses and many other things that complicate implementation of the latest technologies, especially for enterprises with a tight budget. Managed web hosting comes with the full package of services which will reduce maintenance expenses for you.
4. When your IT staff needs to perform mission-critical tasks. You can greatly cut out on the cost of IT labor, if you reduce the size of your IT department. A managed web hosting solution can replace the entire dedicated IT team. Besides, you won’t have to force your employees to perform tasks outside sphere of competence, because it actually reduces efficiency and prevents growth of business. Instead, your workers may concentrate on the projects they are best suited to perform.
With a managed web hosting service you can always predict your monthly costs, simplify breakdown of ROI and save your team’s time which they can spend on more important projects.
5. When you need a secure and resilient infrastructure. How to keep tabs of all these malware, viruses and other hazardous elements? Managed web hosting service is the first line of defense for you: it will be strengthened with the latest security patches, new hardware, around the clock server monitoring, backups, configuration of operating system, spam blocking and disaster recovery solutions.
All in all, if you need stunning performance, managed web hosting is exactly what you need!