Not sure whether your blog needs high-quality dedicated server? Consider crucial benefits that you can reap from this hosting solution to define whether it’s optimal for your project.
Creating and maintaining a blog is a great way to boost your business and website’s SEO ranking. However, it’s important to ensure excellent speed and performance, that’s why many web-developers suggest using dedicated hosting. Although you can be tempted to try a free hosting service for your blog, it’s not reliable and as fast as needed.
Hosting providers offer wide range of dedicated server options to suit clients’ requirements. If your current host allows for scaling, you can easily upgrade the plan to add bandwidth and storage and accommodate your blog as needed. If that’s not an option, you can switch to another hosting provider and move your website to another host’s dedicated server.
Not sure whether your business blog needs its own hosting? Consider the benefits of dedicated server hosting.
Excellent Experience For Your Users
If you use a free blog host, you can’t be sure in perfect uptime: it’s not guaranteed. Your free or cheap hosting server can go down any time, and there wouldn’t be much that you can do about it: you can only wait for the server to come back, or maybe issue a help desk ticket. If you have your own dedicated server, you will have a 100% SLA for data center’s power and cooling, which means higher reliability and better browsing experience for blog viewers. Better experience is the key factor that makes people return to your website.
Extra Peace of Mind With Security
Like any other online project, a business blog may not be prone to cyber attacks, and you should always be prepared. For example, DDoS attacks can bring your server down all of a sudden, which will affect all your SEO efforts. Having your own dedicated server with additional security layer ensures much lower risk of becoming a victim of DDoS, malware, phishing and many other attacks. Note that decent hosts usually include free DDoS attack protection with all their hosting packages.
Full Customization to Suit Your Requirements
To top it all, if you have a dedicated server for your business blog, you can have a lot of customization options. Instead of being restricted by blog host’s inclusions, you can figure out how much bandwidth you need, assign the level of access to your blog for different users, and control all aspects of your hosting to provide a more enjoyable visitor experience.
Keeping these benefits in mind, you will be inspired to start a successful shopping for your blog’s dedicated server. If you need assistance in selecting a dedicated server, feel free to contact INXYHOST team: we will find a suitable option for your blog.