Dedicated servers: 10 Basic Terms You Should Know

If you’ve only started to use dedicated server hosting, or want to learn more about this technology, knowing basic terms connected is a must. This article will explain all theme-related terms for you.
Dedicated servers: 10 Basic Terms You Should Know

If you’ve only started to use dedicated server hosting, or want to learn more about this technology, knowing basic terms connected is a must. This article will explain all theme-related terms for you.

Dedicated Server

This is a server that provides its entire capacity for a single user. Opposite to a virtual server, a dedicated web server has resources supplied by a physical host. The capacity is not shared, and a web server features exclusive hardware and unlimited control and user rights. Dedicated servers are recommended for websites that need a lot of hard disk storage and CPU to handle a large amount of traffic.


Database is a system used for processing and storage of digital data as well as in- and output. The information is appropriately organized and permanently available.


This is a security system that protects the networks and computers against hackers’ attacks and illegal access from the Net. It builds a security shield between the public network (Internet) and a local network. Firewall can control, register, release and block data exchange based on some certain criteria.  Monitoring data packages, firewall protects against DDoS attacks.

KVM console

A KVM console is a special application that allows for distant server maintenance and correction of errors in a system.

Load Balancer

Load balancing is distribution of user requests for a website over several servers, which boosts server efficiency and load times.


This is the most well-known server in the Net. Such web server as Apache provides data for public use and can be accesses as a web page. As a rule, there’s a web server behind every domain, and Apache is a free option.


An API (or Application Programming Interface) is responsible for the transfer and processing of information between web-sites, providers and programs. The software guarantees easy data exchange by translating a website into a readable format. API is an essential component of software development as it enables third parties to get previously inaccessible data packages and user groups. In the result, content, new services, systems and values can be used collectively.


A backup is a copy of a database or some files that is stored in a cloud, computer, or another server. This copy is used in case of data loss, and such backups should be done regularly.


Core is a component of hard disk located in the central part of a computer unit and containing a control unit that calculates logic functions and algorithms. The algorithms save commands or results. Most of modern computers have several cores so that different tasks could be handles simultaneously, which increases computing power.


The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the main processor of machine. Overall computer performance depends on its quality: the higher CPU is, the more computing operations can be executed. The clock rate shows how quickly the processed can be performed, and how many cores are required. Today, processing units are used not only in computers, but web hosting servers, smartphones and tablets.


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