There are lots of various options for cloud storage on the market, and all of them vary at this or that degree. Different cloud services are not equally effective with different operating systems or business plans. How to choose the most suitable one?
Box works at its best for IT businesses, allowing 3-10 people to share and edit files, leaving comments to them and notifying about file updates. For $5 a month per user, you will get 100Gb of storage space and the possibility to work with max. 2Gb files, integrated with Office 365 and Google Docs. Business edition is a bit more expensive ($15 a month per user), but provides you with unlimited storage space and the opportunity to keep 5Gb files. Furthermore, Box is compatible with Windows and Mac OS X, and works well on Blackberry gadgets.
Amazon Cloud Storage would be great for Fire tablet or phone owners, because they have unlimited storage options for free (otherwise, you pay $12-60 depending on the service type). Unlimited Photos is of particular interest: it provides unlimited space for your video and photo files, and 5 Gb memory for the files of other types. Unlimited Everything allows storing anything you want in unlimited volumes. For all plans three month free trial periods are given.
Dropbox is a perfect variant for those who need a lot space, but are not ready to spend a lot of money. While free version offers 2 Gb of space only, paying only 10$ a month, you are supplied with 1 Tb of memory! Moreover, being a simple and user-friendly storage platform, it runs on all OS and devices and is perfect for both business entrepreneurs and private users. Definitely, Dropbox is worth being called on the best storage services in the world.
Google Drive offers 15 Gb for just having a Google account. Not enough? Just $2 a month will add plus 100 Gb, and paying $10 a month you get 1Tb. No need to worry about synchronization, and you can create and edit Google Docs and Microsoft Office documents. It also works well for IT companies and teams: for $10 each member is supplied with unlimited storage space for all his files. The only drawback is that there is still no native Google native Linux app, which forces people use third-party applications to run the service on Linux devices.
Thus, when choosing the cloud storage, analyze three aspects: operational system you use, whether you need to work with files or not, and how much space is required.