Bandwidth Throttling in CDN

The speed of data transmitted via CDN can be throttled by passing certain parameters to URL or via static configuartion applied to certain User Agent.
Bandwidth Throttling in CDN

The speed of data transmitted via CDN can be throttled by passing certain parameters to URL or via static configuartion applied to certain User Agent.

In this article we will learn about such limitations that can be passed to URL. There are two parameters that can be added to HTTP query and allow to control the data delivery. Without those parameters the files will be given away at maximum rate.

Initial Burst parameter (ri) - this parameter is used for limiting speed for each query. Here the value in bytes is added - this value means the amount of data that passes at full speed before rs parameter begins to work (described below).

Sustained Rate parameter (rs) - this parameter is used for limiting speed for each query. Here the value in kilobits is added - this value determines the speed with which the files should be given away.

Such parameter is very useful during the progressive download of big files, for example during playback of some video. It allows to make download not so fast.



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